World Of Dance

The casting company behind NBC Universal's World of Dance came to us with a tough problem. They were casting for the new show in less than a month and a previous developer had built a platform that was unstable and creating more problems than it solved.

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The Solution

World of Dance represents a solution that spans many years. For Season 1, we fixed the issues in their existing platform and got it launched just in the nick of time with all of the big issues sorted out.

After the successful casting on Season 1, we started looking towards Season 2 and set our sights higher. We built a highly customization, dynamic casting platform from Scratch utilizing Laravel and Vue.js with the goal for it to be used for other shows in addition to WOD.

World Of Dance

The Result

The new platform excelled even with thousands of users flooding in to apply and uploading large video files and images. WOD is currently on it's way to a season 4 still utilizing the same platform. In addition it has been used for a number of other in development NBC Universal reality shows.